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How to get a nursing license in another state

Registered Nurses

State Temp Permit Time Walkthrough Compact State Board Site
Alabama 1 week No No
Alaska 3-4 weeks No No
Arizona 48 hrs walk-in
2 weeks mail
Yes Yes
Arkansas 4 weeks No Yes
California 3-4 weeks No No
Colorado 2-3 weeks No Yes
Connecticut 3 weeks No No
Delaware 2 weeks No Yes
District of Columbia 3 weeks No No
Florida 4-5 weeks
(no temp permit)
No No
Georgia 4-6 weeks
(no temp permit)
No No
Hawaii Same day No No
Idaho 3-5 days Yes Yes
Illinois 4 weeks Yes No
Indiana 1 week No No
Iowa 1-2 weeks No Yes
Kansas 2+ weeks No No
Kentucky 2-3 weeks No Yes
Louisiana Same day Yes No
Maine 2 weeks No Yes
Maryland 2-3 weeks No Yes
Massachusetts 3-4 weeks
(no temp permit)
No No
Michigan 6-8 weeks
(no temp permit)
No No
Minnesota 5 days No No
Mississippi 5-7 days Yes No
Missouri 2 weeks No Yes
Montana 2 weeks No Yes
Nebraska 2-3 weeks No Yes
Nevada 2-3 weeks No No
New Hampshire 4-6 weeks No Yes
New Jersey 8-10 weeks
(no temp permit)
No No
New Mexico 3 weeks No Yes
New York 4-6 weeks
(no temp permit)
Yes No
North Carolina 2 weeks Yes No
North Dakota 1-2 weeks No Yes
Ohio 2 weeks No No
Oklahoma 3 weeks No No
Oregon 3-4 weeks
(no temp permit)
No No
Pennsylvania 2-3 weeks No No
Rhode Island 4-5 weeks No Yes
South Carolina Same-day
or 2 weeks
Yes Yes
South Dakota 1-2 weeks No Yes
Tennessee 4-6 weeks No Yes
Texas 2-3 weeks No Yes
Utah 3-4 weeks
(no temp permit)
No Yes
Vermont Same day No No
Virginia 3 weeks No Yes
Virgin Islands 13-16 weeks
(no temp permit)
Washington 3 weeks No No
West Virginia 2-3 weeks No No
Wisconsin 2-4 weeks No Yes
Wyoming 2-3 weeks No No

Frequently Asked Questions

Assignment Information

 What do you have available and where?
At any given time, we have hundreds of jobs available from Alaska to Florida, and from Maine to Hawaii, and everyone in between. These include jobs for Registered Nurses, Imaging Technologists, and various Therapist professions. We try to maintain a current list of jobs on our web site (here), but because many jobs open and close by the hour, please stay in touch with your Account Manager about the latest needs.
 Who are your clients?
We work with several national hospital chains, teaching facilities, magnet facilities, level 1 trauma centers, major birthing centers, and specialty clinics/facilities. If you have specific wants or needs about which clients you will work with, please let your Account Manager know early on in your conversations to ensure a successful placement.
 How long is the assignment?
Standard travel assignments are for 13 weeks. Occasionally, clients have shorter and longer needs ranging from as little as two weeks up to twenty-six weeks. If your personal schedule necessitates a special contract length, please let your Account Manager know. While we make no guarantees a special request can be honored, we might be able to negotiate with the client.
 Are the hours guaranteed?
Yes, as long as you are willing and able to float or make up shifts as requested by the client. Just remember a refusal to float or vary shifts waives your right to payment of any guaranteed hours.
 What happens if I do not like my assignment?
The assignment is a commitment. There are times when the position is challenging, either clinically or personally, but that’s also why the facility needs your expertise. If you are having clinical concerns please contact your Account Manager immediately, who will arrange a consultation with our Chief Nursing Officer. Our CNO has over 20 years of nursing and hospital management experience, and is available 7 days a week to address clinical issues and incidents. If you are having non-clinical issues, your Account Manager is more than willing to listen to your concerns about assignment quality, housing issues, paycheck questions, or just about anything else under the sun.
 What happens when I end my assignment? Do you find me another?
About four weeks before your assignment end date your Account Manager will start working with you on the next steps. Renewing at the same facility, finding a new position, or even assisting with direct hire if that’s an option.

Benefit Information

 What type of insurance do you offer? When does it start? How long does it last?
We offer two (2) PPO insurance/prescription plans from United Healthcare (Wellness and Wellness PLUS) and a dental plan from Guardian. Insurance starts DAY ONE and last until the end of your assignment. If you are scheduled to renew, insurance can be carried between assignments. Ask your Recruiter for details on how the carry-over works.
 Do you offer 401(k) program?
A few years ago, we offered a 401(k) program. Unfortunately, many employees did not join the plan, and it was cancelled. With increasing enrollment restrictions and stock market turmoil, we have decided to let our employees choose their own investment vehicles for their hard-earned money. We re-visit 401(k) plan options annually, so stay in touch with your Account Manager for news and updates.
 Will I be covered by Worker’s Compensation and Professional Liability insurance?
Yes! All ADEX Healthcare Staffing direct W-2 employees are covered by Worker’s Compensation insurance as required by statutory regulations. Additionally, our corporate insurance policy protects each AMS employee with Professional Liability coverage. Please note, any independent contractors (1099) are required to provide their own worker’s comp and liability insurance. An Account Manager can assist independent contractors in this process.
 How do you handle expense reimbursements?
We strive to reimburse your out of pocket expenses weekly. It should not be your burden to finance all your travel costs. As such, expenses are reimbursed on your paycheck the week after your signed expense report is received.
 Do you offer CEU, education, license, and certification reimbursements?
Yes! CEU/education, licensure, and certification expenses may be reimbursed depending on client and assignment. Please contact an ADEX Account Manager for eligibility details.

Bonus Information

  What type of bonuses do you offer? How do they work?

We offer various bonuses based on the facility and/or the assignment. These may include:

  • Sign-on bonuses: Authorized by some clients with emergency or quick-start needs. These are usually paid soon after the assignments starts.
  • Assignment Completion bonuses: Approved by some clients for successfully completing select contracts. These are paid at the end of the assignment.
  • Referral bonuses: ADEX Healthcare Staffing pays referral bonuses for new candidate referrals who become employees and complete an assignment. Occasionally clients will provide additional referral bonuses for select positions.
  • Training Completion bonuses: Some clients offer bonuses for completing specialized training or certification. These bonuses are paid when training/certification is successfully completed.

For specific details on these and other bonuses, please contact an ADEX Account Manager today. Please note, all bonuses, unlike expense reimbursements or expense allowances, are treated as income, and are fully-taxable.

General Travel Information

What is the housing like? Do you have a housing department?
When housing is required, our Housing Department and Account Managers strive to find you safe and secure, fully-furnished, private accommodations close to the facility. We normally set up and pay for the utilities when not provided by the landlord. When possible, we assist with amenities like cable television, internet, and phone, but we cannot guarantee the latter. Of course, you may also choose to receive a housing allowance or reimbursement, and handle your own living arrangements.
 Can I get a housing allowance (stipend) instead of a furnished apartment or hotel room?
Yes! We can provide a housing allowance or stipend as part of a Per Diem allowance package. If you prefer obtaining your own housing, just provide your Account Manager with your anticipated housing costs and he or she will customize an appropriate reimbursement plan or housing allowance using Per Diem. Many travelers choose a housing allowance because of the increased flexibility it provides.
 Can I bring my dog, cat, horse?
Most pets are welcome! They provide an excellent companion to some travelers while on the road. If you elect to have ADEX provide your housing, please let your Account Manager know about your pets as soon as possible so that our Housing Department can find the right lease for you and your pets. Please note, a pet damage waiver will be required.
 Do you provide flights? How do I get reimbursed for travel?
In some cases we provide flights, usually to non-drivable locations like Hawaii or Alaska, or for quick-start contracts. Due to the standard contract length, and on-call requirements, it’s usually easier for our travelers to drive their own vehicles to an assignment. For travelers providing their own flight, or driving their own vehicle, ADEX normally provides a relocation allowance or travel reimbursement up to a specified amount. The traveler must provide an expense report detailing travel expenses to receive the travel allowance/reimbursement.
 Do you offer rental cars?
Unfortunately, due to insurance and liability issues we no longer provide rental cars to employees. If a rental car is required, ADEX may reimburse you for all, or a portion of, your rental car costs.

Housing and Travel Information

What is the housing like? Do you have a housing department?

When housing is required, our Housing Department and Account Managers strive to find you safe and secure, fully-furnished, private accommodations close to the facility. We normally set up and pay for the utilities when not provided by the landlord. When possible, we assist with amenities like cable television, internet, and phone, but we cannot guarantee the latter. Of course, you may also choose to receive a housing allowance or reimbursement, and handle your own living arrangements.

 Can I get a housing allowance (stipend) instead of a furnished apartment or hotel room?

Yes! We can provide a housing allowance or stipend as part of a Per Diem allowance package. If you prefer obtaining your own housing, just provide your Account Manager with your anticipated housing costs and he or she will customize an appropriate reimbursement plan or housing allowance using Per Diem. Many travelers choose a housing allowance because of the increased flexibility it provides.

 Can I bring my dog, cat, horse?

Most pets are welcome! They provide an excellent companion to some travelers while on the road. If you elect to have ADEX provide your housing, please let your Account Manager know about your pets as soon as possible so that our Housing Department can find the right lease for you and your pets. Please note, a pet damage waiver will be required.

 Do you provide flights? How do I get reimbursed for travel?

In some cases we provide flights, usually to non-drivable locations like Hawaii or Alaska, or for quick-start contracts. Due to the standard contract length, and on-call requirements, it’s usually easier for our travelers to drive their own vehicles to an assignment. For travelers providing their own flight, or driving their own vehicle, ADEX normally provides a relocation allowance or travel reimbursement up to a specified amount. The traveler must provide an expense report detailing travel expenses to receive the travel allowance/reimbursement.

 Do you offer rental cars?

Unfortunately, due to insurance and liability issues we no longer provide rental cars to employees. If a rental car is required, ADEX may reimburse you for all, or a portion of, your rental car costs.

Licensing and Credentialing Information

 How long does it take to get licensed in a state?

It varies by State. For a list of State licensing boards, please click here. Depending on the State Board it can be anywhere from 1 day to 60 days. Your Account Manager can assist with State licensing information and processing.

 Is (blank) a compact state?

A list of states participating in the nursing licensure compact can be found above or at Please remember, if you have a license from a compact state, your license is not automatically a compact license. The license should state whether or not it provides compact privileges.

 What happens if my license or one of my certifications is about to expire?

An active license and certifications are the foundation of safe healthcare. While it is the responsibility of each employee to keep these important items current, our Administrative staff maintains an internal tracking sheet. When a license or certification is close to expiring, your Account Manager should remind you of the need to renew.

 Do I need any special certifications? What happens if I do not have one?

Certifications required vary depending on assignment and specialty. If your experience qualifies you for a position, you must have all client required certifications to start an assignment. An ADEX Account Manager will let you know which certifications are required for each contract.

Pay Information

What does the position pay?

Our Account Managers strive to negotiate the best hourly pay rate for every employee on every assignment. Ultimately, many factors influence the pay rate such as client demand (the hottest needs generally pay a little more), the assignment location, the level of specialization or training required, the shift, supervisory requirements, etc. Please contact one of our Account Managers today to discuss your pay rate needs and what we can offer.

 How do I get paid?

We know you work hard, so we pay you weekly, through direct deposit or a paper paycheck – your choice. We also reimburse many of your out-of-pocket expenses weekly through Per Diem, Tax Advantage, or simple expense reports.

 What happens with state and federal taxes when I am on the road?

ADEX pays you as a direct w4 employee, so appropriate State and federal taxes should be automatically withheld from your paycheck each week.. We strive to take care of everything for you! If you have any questions about your tax deductions, please call your Account Manager. Of course, we are not CPA’s, so please contact a tax advisor for any formal tax advice.

 Is my facility orientation period paid?

Yes! We believe we are one of the few travel companies that offers full pay during facility required orientation. Even better, some facilities pay bonuses for successfully completing required testing prior to assignment start.

 Is there a shift premium or shift differential? Charge rate? On-call and call back rates?

Shift differential is paid on a case-by case basis, depending upon the facility and the assignment. Our charge rate is usually $1-$3/hour over the base pay rate. On-call rates can range anywhere from $2-$8/hour. Call back is paid at 1 1/2 times the base hourly rate, usually with a 2 hour minimum guarantee.

 Do I get overtime pay and how does it work? What is the Overtime rate?

The Federal government stipulates that overtime pay must be at least 1 1/2 times the standard hourly rate for all hours worked over forty in one pay week. Simply submit your approved time sheet detailing your hours worked, and we will handle the rest. Please note, California State laws have additional stipulations depending on the assignment and facility. An ADEX Account Manager is willing to discuss this with you further.

 Do I get holiday pay and how does it work? What is the holiday rate?

Yes! Like pay rates, our Account Managers negotiate holiday shift pay rates with our clients. On most assignments, ADEX pays 1 1/2 times the standard pay rate for hours worked on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Please note, due to hospital schedules and requirements, some of these holidays may not apply, or additional holidays may be added to this list. Call us today if you need more specific information on holiday pay.

Per Diem / Tax Advantage Information

 Do you offer Per Diem?

Yes! Per Diem is Latin for “per day” is term for a fixed daily reimbursement for expenses (housing, meals, and incidentals) incurred while traveling for work. Per Diem can be provided for Meals and Incidental expenses only or for Meals, Incidentals, and Housing costs. It cannot be provided for Housing costs alone. Generally, we offer a Per Diem option to employees traveling and working more than sixty air miles away from their tax home. You are not required to accept a Per Diem allowance, but some veteran travelers prefer it’s flexibility to choose how and where they spend the allowance. For more information on Per Diems, please contact an ADEX Account Manager. For tax specific information, please contact a tax advisor.

 Do you offer a Tax Advantage program? How does the Tax Advantage program work?

Yes! “Tax Advantage” is the hot marketing term for Per Diem allowances. Typically, when travel companies mention a Tax Advantage Plan, they are offering a Per Diem allowance for Meals and Incidental expenses only. Because of standard guidelines, if your housing is provided in-kind (ie through a lease), then only a Meals and Incidental Per Diem can be offered. Tax Advantage does sound better than Meals & Incidentals!

 Is my Per Diem taxable?

Generally, no taxes are withheld when a Per Diem allowance is provided. Since Per Diem is meant to be a “non-accountable” expense reimbursement plan, taxes will not be applied. But with any tax matter, it’s best to consult a Tax Advisor.

Industry Links

Forms & Documents

Nurse Application

Referral Bonus Program

Skills Checklist For Registered Nurses

In order to help us evaluate your fit here at ADEX, we strongly encourage you to fill out the skills checklist related to your specialty.

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